FAOPMA Pest Summit 2020 Virtual Conference

DATE & TIME: NOV 18-19, 2020

Learn how to protect your company's future and rise above your competitors. Attend the two-day FAOPMA_Pest Summit Virtual Conference 2020

Conference Book
Click here to download the conference book.
FAOPMA Virtual Conference 2020 QR Code


Access Virtual Conference Videos

FAOPMA Pest Summit 2020 Virtual Conference participants and sponsors can access the conference videos by selecting a language below. You will be asked to login to view. The login details have been sent to you via email from FAOPMA.

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Welcome from Presidents
Welcome Remarks Vasili Tsoutouras
Australia President
China President
Hongkong President
Japan President
India President
Indonesia President
Korea President
Malaysia President
Pakistan President
Philippines President
Singapore President
Sri Lanka President
Taiwan President
Thailand President

The voice for the Pest Management Industry in Asia Pacific Region