One of the goals of the pest management industry newsletter is to provide information in relation to the ongoing activities of member countries and their respective industry associations. The Australian nvironmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA) is honoured to provide a brief summary of the events that have been the focus of our national attention for the last six months of 2019.
As part of the process of ensuring the educational qualifications of pest managers, the Federal Government in Australia prepares and reviews saw the latest review, the outcome of which is as follows.
The Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business have released the following new courses for the pest industry:
Qualifications added:
CPP30119 - Certificate III in Urban Pest Management
CPP41619 - Certificate IV in Urban Pest Management
Updated Skill Sets:
CPPSS00045 - Manage complex fumigation operations
CPPSS00046 - Manage non-timber pests
CPPSS00047 - Manage timber pests
Units of Competency added:
CPPUPM3006 - Manage pests by applying pesticides
CPPUPM3008 - Inspect for and report on timber pests
CPPUPM3010 - Control timber pests
CPPUPM3011 - Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments
CPPUPM3017 - Maintain, service and repair pest management equipment
CPPUPM3018 - Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles
CPPUPM3042 - Install termite management systems
CPPUPM4001 - Assess and select pest management vehicle and equipment
CPPUPM4002 - Schedule, organise and monitor pest management operations
CPPUPM4003 - Assess and advise on pest management options for sensitive
CPPUPM4004 - Assess and advise on pest management options for complex operations
CPPUPM4005 - Implement and monitor pest management plans for sensitive operations
CPPUPM4006 - Implement and monitor pest management plans for complex operations
For more information, visit:
Initiated by Bayer in 2018, the AEPMA award for Individual Excellence in Professional Pest Management was presented for the first time in Melbourne.
The award presents an opportunity for the industry to thank the many quiet achievers who have to date not received the full recognition that their services to the industry deserve.
Nominees for the award are required to meet the following set criteria:
- Putting customers first through a commitment to excellence in customer focus, leadership, and service;
- Fostering innovation in the Pest Management Industry; and
- Individual Excellence.
Excellent service includes service above and beyond the normal requirements of the position or sustained high level performance by an individual with a focus on outcomes and recognisable benefits to clients and the professional pest management industry.
The 2019 Individual Excellence in Professional Pest Management Award was presented to Dr Chris Orton.
Dr Orton has contributed to the progression of the pest management industry by assisting in research and development of new, better and safer insecticide products and control methods. Amongst his many accolades, Dr Orton is an Entomologist as well as an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the School of B.E.E.S, Faculty of Science at UNSW, Sydney. He is also Secretary at PMITAG NSW and Director of Pest Information Management Appraisal and Consultancy Services Pty Ltd. Chris has also serves on a number of working parties for AEPMA codes of practice.
Award nominations open 30th April 2020 and close on 1st August 2020, with the winners being announced at the AEPMA 2020 Conference on 16-18 September. for more information.
The Pest Manager of the Year Awards recognize the most progressive pest management firms, who keep up with the latest innovations and focus on professional development and responsive customer service.
Proudly sponsored by BASF and AEPMA, categories for the competition are as follows:
- Business Award, Two Classes: Pest Management firms employing 10 or more people, and Pest Management firms employing fewer than 10 people. National Pest Manager of the Year will be awarded from nominees in these 2 categories.
- Micro Business: Pest management businesses with fewer than three employees.
- South Pacific Pest Manager of the Year: Open to AEPMA member businesses both large and small, operating in the South Pacific Region.
The 2019 Pest Manager of the Year awards were presented at the Rapid Solutions Conference Gala Dinner. The BASF and AEPMA judges were overwhelmed by the quality of entries from all categories. The national Pest Manager of the Year recipient was Troy Dawson of Dawson’s Australia.
He was also the recipient of the Pest Management firm employing ten or more people. From humble beginnings to having a team of 39 people, Troy prides himself on providing a high-level service and having the right people for the company’s success.
This year’s Pest Manager of the Year award will be held at the AEPMA 2020 Conference on 16-18 September. Entries open 1st April 2020 and close 12th June 2020. Contact for more information.
Finally, we hope you have enjoyed a brief outline of some of AEPMA’s recent activities and we welcome other members sharing their experiences with us.
Provided by Ingrid Lariza and Stephen Ware, AEPMA.