Save the date - FAOPMA Pest Summit 2025, Penang Malaysia

FAOPMA Pest Summit 2025, Penang Malaysia

From Reactive to Proactive - The Evolution of Pest Management

Date: 14-16 July, 2025

Click here to view more information. 

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Save the date - FAOPMA Pest Summit 2024, Mumbai India

FAOPMA Pest Summit 2024, Mumbai India - the largest Pest Management Industry event in Asia & Oceania

Date: 7 - 11 August 2024

Venue: The Westin Mumbai Powi Lake, Mumbai India


Click here to download the flyer. 

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FAOPMA AGM Notice 2021

Dear Members, 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 33rd  Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Asian & Oceania Pest Managers Associations will be held as follows:-

Date       :         Monday 4th October 2021

Time      :         11.00am – 12.30pm (AEST) / 9am – 10.30pm (Singapore)

Via Microsoft Teams (link will be provided on receipt of RSVP)


Please RSVP by the 1st October  to

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.


Stephen Ware

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An interview with an Icon - Chow-Yang Lee

Interview by Stephen L. Doggett

Note that Prof Chow-Yang Lee is the Keynote speaker for the upcoming FAOPMA-Pest Summit 2020 Virtual Conference, 18-19 Nov 2020.  

Introduction: In the first six issues of FAOPMA Magazine, I have been privileged to interview several notable figures in the industry, the majority being owners of very successful pest management companies. This issue, we take a break from focusing on icons in business and feature the most successful and influential researcher in the field of urban pest control who has ever existed in the Asian region. Prof Chow-Yang Lee, in an incredibly stellar career that is certainly a long way from over, has already published more than 240 peer reviewed papers, supervised four postdocs, 15 Ph.D., 29 M.Sc. students, and more than 80 honors degree students, and won multiple awards for his vast achievements. Recently he left his home country of Malaysia and moved to the US to take up a very prestigious Professorial position at the University of California. 

Click here to read full article. 



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Milestones – Achieved by Managing Committee 2017-19

A presentation about the Milestones achieved by the IPCA Managing Committee 2017 -19 under the leadership of Mr. Jaldhi Trivedi, President, IPCA (2017-19).

Click here to download PPT file. 


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2020 Chinese Pest Control Conference was Held Online

On June 19, the first online “2020 Chinese Pest Control Conference” organized by the Chinese Pest Control Association and coorganized by Shenzhen Haishan Health Service Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Gongcheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Beijing. Mao Qun’an, the Deputy Director of the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee Office and Director of the Planning, Development and Information Department of the National Health Commission, and Cui Gang, a Grade II Counsel of the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau of the National Health Commission, and other government leaders gave a speech via video. The CPCA President Xu Jianguo, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered a live speech from the CPCA’s office in Beijing. Vice President Bai Huqun, Xu Huimin, Tao Chuanjiang, Huang Xiaoyun, Cai Bolin, Zhou Liping, Lyu Weichuan and other leaders of the CPCA also sent congratulatory videos for the conference.

Director Mao Qun’an warmly welcomed the convening of the conference in the congratulations video. In his speech, he pointed out that most parts of China have entered the summer, and vector-borne diseases such as dengue fever have been on the rise. He hopes that people will raise the awareness and continuously improve on the various preventative measures. People also need to battle the COVID-19 epidemic along with vector-borne diseases. Counsel Cui Gang commented in his speech that at present, the epidemic of COVID-19 is still spreading around the world. Given that the pandemic has entered a stable phase in China, it is time to orderly resume production and people’s daily lives. We also must prevent COVID-19 from rebounding again. At the same time, we must also do a good job of environmental management as well as prevention and control of vector organisms. We must also focus on stopping the potential import of infectious diseases in the context of increasing exchange with countries around the world.

Xu Jianguo, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of the CPCA, presented a report titled “Drink Boiled Water, Wash Hands Frequently, Eat Cooked Food, and Wear Masks”. Academician Xu emphasized in the report that we must be aware that with the advancement of economic globalization, and urbanization, that the threat of infectious diseases to humans has increased, not decreased. He calls on everyone to practice good hygienic routines such as drinking boiled water, to eat cooked food, to wash hands frequently and wear masks, and not to eat wild animals, in order to prevent infectious diseases from spreading. In addition, Prof. Zhang Jie, Professor of Renmin University of China, presented a report on “Thoughts on China’s Economic Situation and Suggestions for Service Industries during the Post-epidemic Period”, and Prof. Chow-Yang Lee, Professor of Urban Entomology Department at the University of California, gave a report on the “Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Pest Control Industry”. During the meeting, a short film titled “Heroes in the Chinese Pest Control Industry Who are at the Frontline Combating COVID -19” was released, and the latest industry-related technologies and new equipment were also announced.

During the period from June 19th to 21st, various breakout sessions, such as CEO Summit Forum, Wuhan’s War on Pandemic symposium, Expert Online Exchange, and High Profile Case Review session, were also held. At the same time, onthe-job training of disinfectants and professional training on rodent control techniques were also held online. The content of the event was extremely popular, with more than 220,000 people watching the conference online.

Since 1993, the CPCA has held annual meetings in different cities across the country. It has been 28 years since, and it has become the largest platform for the Chinese pest control industry. In 2020, due to the presence of the COVID-19, it was switched to an online format with a successful outcome, as evident by overwhelmingly positive feedback from the participants.

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Korea Pest Control Association (KPCA), Enhance Korea’s Status to K-quarantine

In the Evaluation of the National Competitiveness announced by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland on June 16, 2020, the Republic of Korea ranked 23rd out of 63 countries, jumping five places from the previous year. The nation seems to have been highly regarded for effectively responding to the spread of COVID-19 and promoting stable growth.

That is why the ‘K-quarantine system’, internationally to be considered one of the best practices for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, is the focus of global interest. So far, 17 organizations in 19 countries including the International Social Security Association (ISSA), German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) for Germany, and the EUROGIP for France, have requested information regarding the Korean COVID-19 mitigation strategy. Accordingly, Korea has shared their control plans and data, including Tackling COVID-19 –Korean Experience-, Flattening the curve on COVID-19 in Korea, guidelines on workplace quarantine, responding to 3T (Test, Trace, Treatment) based on innovative technologies, and revealing sales information of masks using publically available data.

Recently, the Korean Government held a general election in April and they passed on the quarantine expertise they developed during the election via video conferencing to the USA Government who will be holding a Presidential election later this year in November. Korea has given hope to other democratic countries during elections by undertaking actions such as providing masks and hand sanitizer, fever checks, providing disposable gloves, ensuring that social distance is maintained, and having meticulous disinfection processes, which all ensured for a safe election.

Korea’s remarkable countermeasures also extends to schools. The Washington Post highlighted the Korean preparations as schools reopened following the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown. The Washington Post depicted photographs of a classroom and cafeteria with plastic screens, and of undertaking fever checks on all staff and pupils when entering the school gate.

They also highlighted the fact that the death toll in Korea is surprisingly low (around 2%, compared with 8% for the US and 15% for the UK) through measures such as promoting social distance and social tracing of positive cases. This was in spite of Korea having one of the largest COVID-19 outbreaks after China during February.

Indeed, the KPCA is doing our best for the citizens who wish for the end of COVID-19 and a return to normal life. KPCA continues to participate in special quarantine services for conducting safe events. In May, the KPCA signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support vulnerable groups and planned to select 300 households in low-income who have difficulty in disinfection and provide a free service once a year. The agreement is expected to prevent infectious diseases in low-income families and increase citizens’ interest in infectious diseases. 

The KPCA, which is leading the K-quarantine, urges the community to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure. The KPCA issued a new guideline (3-3 edition) at the end of May as the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases increased in distribution centers and in door-to-door sales companies. Association officials emphasized effective disinfection and prevention of disease transmission in public facilities including libraries, art galleries, public transportation, schools, workplaces, and social welfare facilities.

However, despite the precautions wearing protective clothing and equipment, there are still concerns about the possibility of infection via travelers and immigrants from overseas. This is because there were officials who had undertaken field inspections while wearing masks, latex gloves, and other employees who had worn protective clothing, that gone to quarantine facilities and became infected with COVID-19. 

Regarding this, Mr Won-Soo Hong, the President of the KPCA, emphasized measures should be taken to ensure safety, as it is difficult to wear thick protective equipment during the summer.

Korea and the KPCA are striving and endeavoring to end the epidemic today.

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One of the goals of the pest management industry newsletter is to provide information in relation to the ongoing activities of member countries and their respective industry associations. The Australian nvironmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA) is honoured to provide a brief summary of the events that have been the focus of our national attention for the last six months of 2019.


As part of the process of ensuring the educational qualifications of pest managers, the Federal Government in Australia prepares and reviews saw the latest review, the outcome of which is as follows.

The Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business have released the following new courses for the pest industry:

Qualifications added:
CPP30119 - Certificate III in Urban Pest Management
CPP41619 - Certificate IV in Urban Pest Management

Updated Skill Sets:
CPPSS00045 - Manage complex fumigation operations
CPPSS00046 - Manage non-timber pests
CPPSS00047 - Manage timber pests

Units of Competency added:
CPPUPM3006 - Manage pests by applying pesticides
CPPUPM3008 - Inspect for and report on timber pests
CPPUPM3010 - Control timber pests
CPPUPM3011 - Manage organisms by applying fumigants to commodities and environments
CPPUPM3017 - Maintain, service and repair pest management equipment
CPPUPM3018 - Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles
CPPUPM3042 - Install termite management systems
CPPUPM4001 - Assess and select pest management vehicle and equipment
CPPUPM4002 - Schedule, organise and monitor pest management operations
CPPUPM4003 - Assess and advise on pest management options for sensitive
CPPUPM4004 - Assess and advise on pest management options for complex operations
CPPUPM4005 - Implement and monitor pest management plans for sensitive operations
CPPUPM4006 - Implement and monitor pest management plans for complex operations
For more information, visit:


Initiated by Bayer in 2018, the AEPMA award for Individual Excellence in Professional Pest Management was presented for the first time in Melbourne.

The award presents an opportunity for the industry to thank the many quiet achievers who have to date not received the full recognition that their services to the industry deserve.

Nominees for the award are required to meet the following set criteria:

  • Putting customers first through a commitment to excellence in customer focus, leadership, and service;
  • Fostering innovation in the Pest Management Industry; and
  • Individual Excellence.

Excellent service includes service above and beyond the normal requirements of the position or sustained high level performance by an individual with a focus on outcomes and recognisable benefits to clients and the professional pest management industry.

The 2019 Individual Excellence in Professional Pest Management Award was presented to Dr Chris Orton.

Dr Orton has contributed to the progression of the pest management industry by assisting in research and development of new, better and safer insecticide products and control methods. Amongst his many accolades, Dr Orton is an Entomologist as well as an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the School of B.E.E.S, Faculty of Science at UNSW, Sydney. He is also Secretary at PMITAG NSW and Director of Pest Information Management Appraisal and Consultancy Services Pty Ltd. Chris has also serves on a number of working parties for AEPMA codes of practice.

Award nominations open 30th April 2020 and close on 1st August 2020, with the winners being announced at the AEPMA 2020 Conference on 16-18 September. for more information.


The Pest Manager of the Year Awards recognize the most progressive pest management firms, who keep up with the latest innovations and focus on professional development and responsive customer service.

Proudly sponsored by BASF and AEPMA, categories for the competition are as follows:

  • Business Award, Two Classes: Pest Management firms employing 10 or more people, and Pest Management firms employing fewer than 10 people. National Pest Manager of the Year will be awarded from nominees in these 2 categories.
  • Micro Business: Pest management businesses with fewer than three employees.
  • South Pacific Pest Manager of the Year: Open to AEPMA member businesses both large and small, operating in the South Pacific Region.

The 2019 Pest Manager of the Year awards were presented at the Rapid Solutions Conference Gala Dinner. The BASF and AEPMA judges were overwhelmed by the quality of entries from all categories. The national Pest Manager of the Year recipient was Troy Dawson of Dawson’s Australia.

He was also the recipient of the Pest Management firm employing ten or more people. From humble beginnings to having a team of 39 people, Troy prides himself on providing a high-level service and having the right people for the company’s success.

This year’s Pest Manager of the Year award will be held at the AEPMA 2020 Conference on 16-18 September. Entries open 1st April 2020 and close 12th June 2020. Contact for more information.

Finally, we hope you have enjoyed a brief outline of some of AEPMA’s recent activities and we welcome other members sharing their experiences with us.

Provided by Ingrid Lariza and Stephen Ware, AEPMA.

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Chinese Pest Control Leadership Summit 2019” held in Fuzhou, China

The annual “Chinese Pest Control Leadership Summit” was held in Fuzhou, November 7-10, 2019. The summit was organized by the Chinese Pest Control Association (CPCA), and coorganized by Fuzhou City Pest Control Association and China Inspection Group Fujian Co., Ltd. More than 40 representatives attended the Summit. Ms. Huang, Xiaoyun, the Director of CPCA attended the meeting and gave the opening remarks. Also in attendance were Cai Bolin and Zhou Liping, Vice Presidents of CPCA, as well as industry top leaders, local association representatives, and technical experts. During the meeting, for the first time, the CPCA announced the official launch of Beijing Chaoyang District Weijian Gongcheng Vocational Skills Training School, the first immersive training school in the China specifically designed for the pest control industry. Covering an area of more than 1,000 square meters, the School has a strong team of experts as trainers, and also provides comfortable accommodation, complete facilities, and simulation of real-life field work environment.

Cases of plague recently discovered in Inner Mongolia, China, and Ms. Huang, Xiaoyun, Vice President of CPCA, gave an interview to a magazine.

On November 12, the People’s Government of Beijing Chaoyang District issued a statement that two people in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region had been diagnosed with pneumonic plague. At the present time, the patients are being treated in Beijing, and prevention and control measures have been implemented. The two patients were reportedly escorted by ambulance from Inner Mongolia to Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, where the patients’ close contacts were kept under quarantine. On November 13, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a message announcing that Beijing is not the original source for the pathogen. Plague bacteria have not been detected in Beijing’s local environment and local mice tested did not carry plague bacteria. The public are not at risk of infection from accidental contact with rats or other animals.

Recently in an interview with China Newsweek, Ms. Huang, Xiaoyun, Vice President and Director of the CPCA, indicated that the hospital has done a fabulous job of treating the patients. At the same time, the relevant authorities will certainly take any necessary measures to prevent the spread of the disease. As in all cases of such situation involving plague, rodent eradication is particularly important. “We should vigorously conduct rodent eradication whether or not there are reported cases of plague, especially in those places that didn’t have a rodent infestation in the past and suddenly found traces of rats. Such circumstances must be reported in a timely manner.” Ms. Huang appealed to the general public to seek professionals for assistance when necessary. “The public should not resort to a simplistic rat control method, which in most cases, is to obtain a bait station. It is imperative to treat the carcasses properly after the animals have been killed to prevent further risk of disease.”

Public information shows that between the end of the 19th Century and 1949, there were six plaguerelated pandemics in China, affecting more than 20 provinces (regions), with around 1.15 million cases reported and one million deaths. After 1949, plague was effectively controlled. According to Science and Technology Daily, China’s historical plague endemic areas include 638 counties (cities and counties) in 21 provinces, mainly in the Northeastern, Northern, Northwestern China, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southeast Coast, and Southern Yunnan province.

Both article were provided by Chinese Pest Control Association, translated by Liu Chunyu, and edited by Pascal Cai.

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The voice for the Pest Management Industry in Asia Pacific Region