Federation of Asian & Oceania Pest Managers Associations


FAOPMA is a non-profit organization established in 1989 by members from Asian and Oceanic countries to promote and develop the professional pest management industry throughout the region.

FAOPMA is the largest pest management association in the world and responsible for helping to protect the lives and homes of over 4 billion people! 

FAOPMA Member News

The latest in happenings and events from the Associations in our region

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The Applied Linguistics Conference 2019

The 2019 biannual combined Applied Linguistics Association of Australia and the Applied Linguistic Association of New Zealand conference was held at Curtin University in Perth, Australia in November 2019.

Researchers, language professionals, and interested community members participated the three days conference in Curtin University. The theme of the conference ‘Applied Linguistics and Language teaching: Making connections” provides an opportunity for discussion about how links can be made between the two areas within Australia and internationally.

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The Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL) is the journal of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA). The aim of the journal is to present research in a wide range of areas.

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The voice for the Pest Management Industry in Asia Pacific Region